Request for Proposal for Auditor Services for the Village of Elmira Heights

The Village of Elmira Heights is seeking qualifications of an Auditor to perform an audit of financial statements including a comprehensive annual financial report and other specified audits. Proposal packages shall be emailed to the Village Clerk ( no later than March 15, 2024 at 1:45 PM. The full Request for Proposal documents can be obtained by emailing the Village Clerk (

Robin Witkowski

Village Clerk

Village of Elmira Heights, Chemung County, New York



There will be a Public Hearing held on February 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm to discuss three different items…

Local Law #1 of 2024

USDA grant

CBDG Grant

The Public Hearing will be held at the Village Hall, 215 Elmwood Ave.


There will be a Village Board meeting on February 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall.

Directly before the Village Board meeting there will be a Public Hearing for 3 different items:

Local Law #1 of 2024

USDA Grant

CDBG Grant

         We hope to see you there!


Why did I receive this summons:
Most of the Parking tickets written from November to March involve Alternate side parking (or odd/even parking).  Alternate Side Parking is defined in our Village Code as follows:
[Amended 4-18-1996 by L.L. No. 5-1996]
In addition to the restrictions and prohibitions on parking otherwise provided and except where parking is prohibited for a full block on one side of the street, no vehicle shall be parked or remain parked on any public street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., inclusive, during the months of November, December, January, February and March, except on days with even numbers, according to the calendar, when vehicles may be parked on the side of the street on which the buildings bear even numbers, and on days with odd numbers, according to the calendar, when vehicles may be parked on the side of the street on which the buildings bear odd numbers. Exceptions to alternate sides parking provisions are set forth in Schedule XXII (§ 209-62), attached to and made a part of this Part 1.
Other Village Code Parking Violations can be found at:
Parking violations of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law can be found under section 1200-1204 at the following link:
How to respond to your parking summons:
1. Enter your plea of either guilty or not guilty and sign in the provided section.
2. Put your current address in the space located for this.
3. You may either take a photo of your ticket (be sure it is not blurry and all parts of the ticket can be seen) or if you have the ability to scan the ticket into PDF format, you may do so.
4. Attach either the photo or the scanned ticket to
5. In the subject line of the email please put your parking ticket number
6. If you plead guilty the court will email you back the fine amount.  You will then be asked to send a money order or check (DO NOT MAIL CASH), along with the ticket to the following address:
Elmira Heights Village Court
215 Elmwood Avenue
Elmira Heights, NY 14903
2. You may also pay in person on the following dates and times:
Tuesday 9 AM to 4 PM
Wednesday 9 AM to 4 PM
Wednesday 5 PM (Regular Court)
Thursday 9 AM to 11 AM
What happens if I plead guilty?
The Judge will assign a fine and you will be asked to pay it by a certain time.
What happens if I plead not guilty?
The court will give you a date and time to appear.
Example of a properly filled out Parking Ticket can be found here:


Here is the link for the Hazard Mitigation Plan Page and public survey, it is a very good article about the importance of Mitigation and Prevention.