As of June 1st, 2021 the price of garbage stickers will be $3.00. As of now the stickers will not change so you may use what you have. The guidelines will stay the same –

Each bag MUST have a FULL sticker wrapped around the neck of the bag with ends together.

The weight of the bag may not exceed 30 lbs.

A limit of 3 bags per week

Thank you for all of your cooperation, together we make our community a beautiful place to be!!!


Just a reminder, to receive garbage stickers via mail send a self addressed stamped envelope, with a check payable to the Village Clerk.

Village Clerk, 215 Elmwood Ave, Elmira Heights, NY 14903, check payable to the Village Clerk.

Sticker price is $2.50

You may also purchase garbage stickers at the 7-11 on the corner of  Oakwood and 13th St.    

Street Signs


Old street signs that have been replaced with new ones, are now on sale at the village.  Anyone wishing to purchase may inquire with the Village Clerks Office.Image result for street signs images