Phone: 607–734–7156


Village Board

  • Mayor: Margaret D. Smith
  • Trustee: Terence Amberg
  • Trustee: Craig Southard
  • Trustee: Jared Aoisa
  • Trustee: Gary Patelunas
  • Village Attorney: Jeremy Hourihan

Village Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the Village Complex, 215 Elmwood Avenue, Elmira Heights, New York 14903

The organizational meeting is held on the first Monday in April of each year at 7:00 P.M. followed by the regular meeting for the month of April

Office Function

The financial and administrative operations of the Village are conducted by the Village Clerk Treasurer’s Office. This includes tax preparation, payroll, bookkeeping, employees benefit administration, investment, garbage sticker collection, mail, correspondence for the Mayor and Trustees, calendar of events, and meetings for Village Officials, minutes of Village Board meetings etc.

The Mayor and the Board of Trustees meet once a month on the first Tuesday. The Clerk prepares the agendas and the minutes after the meetings. The majority of the calls relate to general information, taxes, real estate, events, etc. The Clerk’s Office also interacts with other administrative offices of the State, County and other municipalities.

The Clerk’s Office is closed during the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Presidents’ Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Day before Christmas
  • Christmas Day

Village Budget

The Village’s fiscal year is June 1st to May 31st. A copy of the 2021 – 2022 Budget can be obtained at the Clerk’s Office. A fee of $.25 (25 cents) per page will be charged.

Code Enforcement and Permits

Code Enforcement Officer

Nate Stranges

Permits and inspections are provided by the Code Enforcement Office. For questions about fees or services related to code enforcement in the Village, please contact the office at 607–734–7156 or click here for the Codes page.

Property Tax

The Village tax bills are sent out on May 31st, 30 days prior to the due date of July 1st. Taxes are due by July 1st with no penalty. After that date, monthly interest will be calculated and added to late payments. In the first month, 5% will be added to the base tax with an additional 1% for each month thereafter until October 31st. On September 1st, a $2.00 flat fee is added to the tax base amount in addition to the accrued interest for second notice fees. Reminder notices are mailed out to property owners that have not paid their taxes as of September 1st.

Payments can be made at any Chemung Canal bank or at the Village office . Property owners with taxes included in their mortgage payment will not receive tax bills from the Village. Escrow banks submit a listing of properties to send tax bills to them to process.

Tax Clearance Request

A tax clearance request is a request to research outstanding Village taxes on a specific parcel. This search will also reveal if there are any outstanding abatements on the property. Clearance certificates will not be issued if the property has delinquent Village taxes. A fee of $10 payable to the Village of Elmira Heights is charged for each tax clearance.

Freedom of Information Request (FOIL)

Freedom of Information Law Requests must be presented in writing to the Village Clerk Treasurer’s Office. A written response will be provided within 5 business days. Request forms are available in the Clerk’s Office. A fee of $.25 per copy will be charged.

Public Notary

The Village does not provide this service at the present time.

Garbage Stickers

Garbage stickers are on sale at the Clerk’s Office. The cost is $3.00 per sticker. The residents of the Village must have a sticker on their garbage bags to be collected. Information related to trash collection (days, number of bags, specifications, etc.) can be obtained at the Clerk’s Office.

Handicapped Parking Permits

Applicants for Handicapped Parking Permits must live within the Village of Elmira Heights to be issued a permit by the Clerk’s Office. Parking permits are issued to the person and not the vehicle. A drivers license number must be indicated on the handicap hangtag per New York State Law. Handicap Parking Permits are issued for a duration of 5 years. There is no fee for a permit.

Gazebo at Oakridge Park

Reservations for the gazebo at the Park for events such as weddings, picnics, etc. are made at the Clerk’s Office to avoid conflicts. Park regulations must be observed.

Summer Concerts at Oakridge Park

Weekly concerts take place at Oakridge Park during the summer.

Concert Schedule: TBA